A Heathen’s Take on Prostitution

Assume that some old guy gets horny and picks up a hooker. She then ejaculates, fellates, or otherwise sexually pleases him. For most young women, the prospect of drawing semen out of an old, wrinkly man (who probably smells like sweat and vodka) is revolting. Sure, some prostitutes deal with horny-but-attractive clients, but for the sake of argument let’s assume the client is repulsive.

If an old guy has a heart attack while with her, she goes to jail, and he goes to the hospital. In jail, the hooker is charged with prostitution. Back at the hospital, the old guy is assigned a nurse who will take care of him. She will shave his genitals, clean and wipe his butt, and insert a catheter into his penis. If, in the course of this procedure, the nurse ejaculates the man for medical reasons, she is still considered a worthwhile and decent part of our society. No crime committed. In fact, she is considered saintly for attending to the needs of an old man.

For two weeks of shaving pubic hair, administering catheters, and cleaning the feces out the man’s anus, the nurse would earn roughly what the prostitute earns in a single night. Yet both jobs deal intimately with the same man’s bodily fluids. Still, the prostitute (who is earning a hell of a lot more money) is usually dealing with only one fluid that is relatively clean. The feces, urine, puss, and mucous that the nurse deals with are, in my humble opinion, considerably worse. Yet she is paid far, far less. In a strictly fiscal sense, the nurse is getting ripped off.

The disparity is basically one of ethics. The prostitute is considered a criminal, where the nurse is not. In a best case scenario, religious folk look on the prostitute as the unwilling victim of a cruel and unjust society that drove her to prostitution. (There are also those that see prostitutes as ‘evil doers’ who should be stoned to death, but we usually find out that the men who advocate this stance also tend to frequent them when no one is looking).

Normally, in our “enlightened” age, the prostitute is considered ‘the victim’. Oddly enough, I couldn’t agree more.

Let there be no doubt: Abused, screwed up girls get into prostitution. They spend a lot their life freezing on street corners so they can get picked up by sleazy men who will pay them money for permission to spew un-nice bodily fluids all over them.

That said, there are also a lot of abused, screwed up girls who get into nursing as well. They spend their lives dealing with the same crude bodily fluids, and worse. Both careers (and many more like them) involve doing jobs are gross, disgusting, and vile.

Prostitution is a scummy, rotten job that you’ll probably get screwed over doing. Unfortunately, it is only one of many scummy jobs out there that people are resigned to. While the right wing expound endlessly and how bad the sex trade is for the girls who work in it, they totally ignore the fact that there are many, many jobs that are equally (if not more) demeaning, crude, and disgusting.

The truth is, life sucks. A lot of jobs that women get suck. If they’re not disgusting, they’re demeaning. If not demeaning, then they’re underpaid and under appreciated. There is nothing special about the misery many prostitutes feel with their work. There is, however, something unique about it: it is illegal. Unlike the nurse who works in a well-lit, sanitary environment, the prostitute is condemned to negotiate prices on dark curbsides with men they have never met; men who have never been screened or vetted.

Even the most ardent, right-wing Christian has to admit that prostitution will always be with us. They’ve tried for thousands of years to rid the world of the ‘evil’ of the world’s oldest profession, and they have failed. It’s time to at least recognize that, though they may feel the job is “sinful”, their own actions in restricting and criminalizing prostitution have resulted only in making a bad job worse.

If what they are really worried about is the care and morale of the women in this industry, they need to take a long, hard look at the effect they are having on the lives and futures of those who work the streets of every major city in the world.

  • This post was written by Wm. Hopper, heathensguide.wordpress.com.
  • 16 Responses to “A Heathen’s Take on Prostitution”

    1. Anita Says:

      Who says right-wing Christians don’t “take a long, hard look at the effect they are having on the lives and futures of those who work the streets of every major city in the world”?

      Have you checked out the number of safe houses created by Christians?

      Have you ever tried to stay in one? I have. They’re money making machines at the top (with HUGE salaries paid to people that don’t do anything) and they are staffed by under-qualified peons who get paid next to nothing to “save your soul”, not your life.

      As for your comparison, it’s severely flawed. The difference in the contact with the bodily fluids by a prostitute and a nurse is one of intent. I don’t think it’s demeaning to clean up a patient. Parents often have to clean up their kids’ gross bits, and they do so willingly out of love for their children. A good nurse cares about her patient and receives spiritual rewards for helping him. Using your logic, getting a colonoscopy is the same as getting anal intercourse.

      Then explain your logic. Why is it not demeaning? Talk to any nurse and ask her what it’s like. Cleaning feces is cleaning feces. You’re not going to pretty that job up by saying “it’s wholesome”.

      The point was, the definition of wholesome and demeaning are made by people like you who simply believe it to be so. The opinion has nothing to do with the act.

    2. Anita Says:

      It’s not demeaning because if you needed to be cleaned up, and couldn’t do so yourself, you would see that somebody else’s sacrifice is a return of dignity for you.

      Everybody is demeaned, using your logic. It’s demeaning for a gastroenterologist to have to look up your bum for polyps. Anytime somebody does anything unpleasant or difficult for somebody else, it’s demeaning.

      You cannot look at an act out of context. Let’s say you came upon a man who is violently wresting a screaming woman up off the pavement. You could call him a barbarian or you could look up and see that an out-of-control semi-trailer is about to run her over and he’s actually saving her life.

      The problem with your argument is you are taking a microscope to bodily fluids and neglecting the contexts that markedly separate a nurse from a prostitute.

      • heathensguide Says:

        Anita: What I am saying is that the context you refer to is your own invention. Religion creates these “sins”. If the sin did not exist, the act would be par with nursing duties.

        It is only the condemnation of it that makes it “evil”. No one is being hurt. (This is assuming no one is forced into it… forcing a woman into prostitution or nursing is just plain wrong).

    3. Anita Says:

      Let’s go with your worldview for a minute. Why would it be wrong to force a woman into prostitution? If your answer is, “because forcing people to do things against their will hurts people’s feelings”, my next logical question is why is it wrong to hurt people? It may not be prudent because they can hurt you back. But why is it wrong? Remember your rules: there’s no ultimate good or evil.

      • heathensguide Says:

        It’s called The Social Contract… I don’t kill or steal so that no one kills me or steals from me. It is the real code we live by in society, and it is based on mutual self preservation, not good and evil.

        Part of it is that no one can be forced into anything in order to prevent you from being forced into anything.

        It’s a tit-for-tat set of protections that has existed in all societies since long before Jesus. It’s not about good and evil… it’s about managing the hatreds and angers within our society so we don’t kill each other.

    4. Anita Says:

      The problem with the Social Contract theory is that it excludes a whole bunch of people: the unborn, the weak, the elderly.

      The code that society actually lives by in the absence of Christianity is the strong control the weak.

      Why do you have such a problem with the concepts of good and evil?

      Even Holland is starting to place more restrictions on prostitution as they see their previously liberal views bearing ill fruit.

      • heathensguide Says:

        First off, I think what Holland is doing is insane. The country is going down the tubes quickly… basically as a result of Islamic extremism taking over.

        Now, as for the elderly and unborn…

        Rights are nothing more than a made up fantasy. What we really have is agreements, most of which can and are broken for convenience sake. The unborn, weak, and elderly are no more protected by the social contract than they are by the law.

        Your protections really rest on your value to the world and the self-interest of those around you. Sad but true. The advantage is, a child has value to their parents. An old man has value to his family. (Hopefully anyway).

        There is a case to be made that under the social contract we need to take care of our elderly as we will in time be elderly, but I don’t think this holds true. Most elderly are pretty damned miserable, living in really bad old age homes. (This will only get worse as the baby boomers crowd up the retirement homes.)

        And you wonder why I still smoke…

    5. Anita Says:

      You state that our social agreements are broken for convenience sake. If you examine for whose convenience, you will see it’s for the people who have the most power at a given point in time. This proves my theory that the strong control the weak when the proper laws and interventions are not in place.

      Why is it sad for you that our “protections really rest on (our) value to the world and the self-interest of those around you”? Perhaps you see that such a system is morally flawed. Each person should have his human dignity protected irrespective of those around him.

      You say a child has value to his parents, implying that his parents’ concern for him is what gives him the right to exist. It is precisely this narrow type of thinking that we Christians attempt to enlarge.

      It is not your place to say that most elderly are “pretty damned miserable, living in really bad old age homes”. Have you done a survey? Do you know most elderly? Quite possibly most people are very miserable, including you and me. So what’s your point?

      The social contract, by your own admission, falls apart for the elderly because, without the proper protections in place, other people decide for them whether they have a right to exist. But the Creator who made them loves them, and has given them intrinsic value beyond all human measure.

      So, all in all, your system is a bad one. There is a better way, and you know what it is. We need to build the kingdom of God through small acts of love. It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. But instead, you’ve chosen to light- yet another!- cigarette.

      • heathensguide Says:

        Three points:
        1. It is not “my system”. It is the way the world actually works when you strip away all the BS morality that people pretend to.

        2. It is a miserable system. Works great for some and badly for others. It’s heavily weighted toward the strong dominant male, and still he usually gets screwed by it. But it does allow us to continue living in close quarters in a way that no religion ever could.

        3. There isn’t a “better system” in Christianity or any other religion. They all paint pretty pictures of how wonderful the world would be if everyone just agreed with them, yet every time religion has gained popularity people suffer. All Christianity really offers for a “system” are a vague platitudes and strict laws that, in practical application, are enforced by humans not a god.

    6. Anita Says:

      Atheists offer vague platitudes if you ask me, such as “love doesn’t exist,”
      or “people who point out the risks of homosexual behavior hate gays”.

      There are miserable parts to the system and very pleasant parts. It’s important to focus on the positives without thinking that we can create a utopia. You must agree that the world can be a better place. What can we do to make it better?

      There’s nothing vague about the ten commandments or the beatitudes. What’s more clear than, “Love thy neighbour as yourself”?

      As for strict laws, many of the Catholic teachings on morality can’t be enforced anyhow. Thousands of people still contracept, for instance. Just because a law is enforced by humans doesn’t mean it’s less valid. Humans have to act as the arms of Christ, doing His work.

      By the way, you’ve bought into the feminist myth. Many many women are in better positions than men. Also, women cause many of their own problems. When they have it good-a man who supports them financially, allowing them to stay at home and rest whenever they need to-they complain and become career women on top of housewives who can find no time to rest. Plus men aren’t very strong in many ways. That’s another myth. Sure they can lift stuff better, but they are often very weak emotionally and intellectually!

    7. TiM Timbuktu Says:

      Suppose there is a bunch of people who do not accept your social contract. Suppose there are those accept this verbally, but in secret work against it, benefiting from the social contract. Then, when they have power, they enslave you.

      What is so absolute about the social contract you find yourself in.

      Is there a decent way of opting out of the social contract?

      • heathensguide Says:

        The social contract is not something we sign… it’s an observation of what is happening around us.

        Yes, there ar those that violate it… bullies and cabals. Bad police or whatever. But the idea of it is that when you violate it, you do so to your own detriment. A bully can push people around, but will always risk getting a bat to the back of the head. A pedophile can rape children and get away with it, but no one would speak up if the child’s father found the pedophile in a back alley and beat the hell out of him.

        If you violate the social contract, you are giving others tacit permission to do the same. This strips you of your own protections, which is why it’s never a good idea to violate it.

    8. blind man Says:

      are you serious? men arent very strong emotionally or intellectually?
      in terms of intellect men and women are pretty much equal. the difference there is arbitrary (although women are better milti taskers).but emotionaly? you’ve absolutly got to be kidding.Brain anatomy says everything. In this day and age women are always bashing men. but Why?

      and as for the conflict between your 2 philosophies.

      the social contract works reguardless of any one trying to work against it or for it. also, not every one reads the bible sotrying to shape society twards cristian ideals is unffair to the people who choose not to beleive in god.but your also right in saying that whom ever has the most power rules. what exactly is power? what gives any one the right to rule over another? the power you speak of is mostly an illusion that people are tricked into believeing they must follow. if a man holds a gun to your head and tells you to give him all of your money, you have a choice. you always have a choice. real power is being able to choose. you live by the choices you make,and likewise, you die by the choices you make, no matter how ignorant or enlightened you are of the consequences.but power over some one else is more of an illusion than any thing else, although it still has some kind of tangible wieght to it.

      both of you are right in a way

    9. Michael Gunwall Says:

      There are flaws in everything any of you have said, for one reason and one reason only… Everything is flawed, there is no perfect human, animal, plant, or material object to be found. Have you ever found the “perfect ____”? No? I have, but I have found this only through letting myself come to realize that perfection can be found if you believe it to be perfect. Where one finds flaws others can find perfection. This is not an act of “God”, nor is it due to “Social Contracts” The mind is a powerful thing, this “strength” that keeps being mentioned is non-existant unless you measure strength by the size of a person’s wallet, the size of a persons build, or the size of the weapon they are carrying: true “strength” comes from the mind. Take these for example: it takes the mind to build muscle does it not? It takes the mind to earn money does it not? And lastly, without the mind, there would be no weapons… Forget about these so called “social contracts” and this “god” If the world, would just stop, for once, to think, then the world would need no “god” or “social contracts” There would no loger be a need for “self preservation” because if you use your mind, and think about the world as a whole, then the helpfulness and love and kindness that Anita speaks of would happen without intervention, and these “social contracts” that Heathensguide speaks of would no longer be of any use to society… The mind, is a powerful thing…

    10. heathensguide Says:

      Michael Gunwall: Problem is, everyone has a different version of “perfect” in their mind. There simply are not enough resources on this planet (or enough thinkers) to create anything near perfection. Can’t happen. That’s not “good” or “bad”… it is simply the reality we live in.

      Remember, the social contract is NOT a “deal” or “bargain” we strike. It is merely a way to interpret the social construct we live in… it is an observation of human behavior, not a judgment of it. It simply “is”. Should an enlightened epiphany envelop the world and everyone suddenly starts thinking as you say they should, that too would be observed and defined… thoug much differently than the social contract.

      • Michael Gunwall Says:

        heathensguide: You keep mentioning the social contract as if all of society lives and thinks this way? Society ranges from that of the people in the U.S.A. who live as your social contract says people do, to people in African Villages where the community is a whole, so as, if one doesnt eat, they all don’t eat. Places where phrases like “It take a village to raise a child” come about.

        Right you are about society’s MANY versoins of “perfect”. I will give you that one, hands down.

        I do, however, stand on my point. All things can be made perfect: The mind, is a powerful thing…

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